about PENDA

Welcome to $PENDA, the new addition to the Ethereum blockchain! Our small yet mighty panda, with a hint of Pepe the Frog, brings a fresh breeze of creativity to the degen world of Ethereum. As the newest and freshest meme token, $PENDA is here spice things up. Join us in bringing warmth and gathering liquidity to the frosty Ethereum chain.

Penda Tokenomics



  • Ownership:


  • liquidity


  • total supply

    1 Billion

Slide into our community!

Join our Telegram and follow us on X for the latest updates and a warm welcome from our friendly community. Let's glide towards millionaires together and enjoy the meme's and artwork in the process!

Any questions left?

  • Who is PANDA?

    $PENDA is a cute little panda born on the Ethereum blockchain. People think he looks like PEPE the frog, however he is just a panda!
  • What chain is PANDA on?

    $PENDA is born on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • How can I buy $PENDA?

    Follow the instructions on our 'how you buy' section, silly 😉
  • What is the predections of $PENDA's price in the future?

    We plan to go to the billions. However meme tokens have huge risks so always DYOR (do your own research)!
  • Why does $PENDA look like PEPE?

    Hey! I'm just a PANDA!



$PENDA was made for a fan and has no value. Don't risk money you are afraid of losing. The price may go up or it may go down. We are not responsible for the price of the token.

$PENDA on ethereum.